Kronberg Lamp Installation Instructions (Item #9000)
The Kronberg outdoor gas lamp, named after the majestic Kronberg Mountain in the Appenzell Alps of Switzerland, symbolizes elegance and grandeur. It is the largest lamp American Gas Lamp Works offers, standing just under 4 feet tall on its elegant scrolled supports. With a combination of scale, detail, and craftsmanship, the Kronberg lamp is an exceptional choice for both magisterial residences and historic streetscapes. Just as Swiss lighting is renowned for its quality and durability, so too is the Kronberg lamp. It is constructed from sand-cast aluminum and includes a certified valve, tempered glass, and a crown with a spike finial.
The Kronberg lamp offers various installation options, including post, wall, and pier mounting. It also can be illuminated with gas or electric options. The lamp’s GasGlow® technology uses LED light fixtures that mimic the look, color, and intensity of natural gas mantle lighting.
Natural gas or propane burners use artificial silk or rayon fabric bags called mantles to create a unique lighting effect. Open Flame Burners are available in a charming variety of shaped flames for those who prefer the original gas lamp look.
The Kronberg lamp can be customized to meet specific needs and preferences. It is ideal for estates, country clubs, restaurants, or historic restorations. The traditional detail inspired by Swiss lighting and the solid construction of the Kronberg lamp makes it a standout piece that adds a touch of sophistication and history to any setting.